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the empty chair waits for the next one to sit

Performance danced by Giovanna Velardi
From an idea by Giovanna Velardi and Paolo Roberto D 'Alia
Production PinDoc
With the support of MIC and Regine siciliana


Marked by a global device made of artificial satisfaction, dissension indicates a critical perspective. Diverging from the definite form, the attempt to modify a state, to seek authenticity in order to be there

An anonymous character, seated in a chair, observes the audience with transparent glasses and a shimmering jacket.
In front of her the audience. So many eyes, penetrating eyes look at her. Eyes that wait. Eyes that judge. Eyes that make her a target. So why not become a real target to throw Tomatoes on? Red, ripe, merciless tomatoes.
And the character accepts the blows, calmly cleans herself up and says "I prefer your tomatoes to your indifference".
But does the audience, who is now laughing and having fun, aiming to live the same experience? Do you know what it feels like to get red tomatoes on your face, on your dress?
The empty chair is waiting for the next one.


Press office
BENEDETTA BOGGIO 333 2062996 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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in progress

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art direction: Giovanna Velardi

organizational direction: Danila Blasi

management: Letizia Coppotelli

communication: Benedetta Boggio

Ass. Cult. PinDoc Onlus

registered office
Via Maqueda 232 90134 Palermo
legal representative
Theodor Rawyleri

VAT number 07149771003  
NIN 97249270584


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